Winter Heating Tips
Getting the Most Out of Firewood and Smokeless Coal As the temperature drops and the days grow shorter, keeping your...
How to use the fireplace to make heating cheaper?
It’s always worth being aware of and improving the way we use solid fuels. Smokeless coal, firewood, gas, and others...
Cheapest Coal in Ireland
Coal prices have increased significantly in the last year. This is due to a number of factors, including increased...
How to Identify Ash and Oak Firewood: A Guide for Homeowners
This short post provides tips and tricks for identifying ash and oak firewood (Learn more about Ash vs Oak), both when...
Ash vs Oak Firewood: Which is Best for Your Stove in Ireland?
When it comes to heating your home with firewood, the choice of wood can make a big difference in warmth, efficiency,...
Frequently Asked Questions
Is smokeless coal better than firewood?
First, it depends on your fire appliance. Not all fire appliances are designed to burn both. Second, coal burns longer, hotter, and more steadily than wood. Black fuel needs additional air support. Firewood doesn’t. Mostly it depends on personal experience and preferences.
Which is better to use, coal or firewood at my home?
There are many types of smokeless coal in Ireland. The key is to choose the proper one. The same is exactly with firewood logs, or any other solid fuel for your heating appliance. Then you can be sure you will get the best burning effects and excellent heating performance. It is also possible to mix different fuels to achieve the best results. However, there is only one condition which is the quality of products. Depends if you have an open fire or close fire stove appliance, whether you need to heat small rooms separate or entire house you can find everything you need in our wide range of solid fuels. The solid fuels you can use in Dublin need to be smokeless only.
Do I need to clean my fireplace?
Although some appliances can be used with the door open, they will be more efficient with the door closed. Always keep your fireplace appliance as clean as possible. Do not let ash to clog the great. It will affect air circulation and seriously affect coal or firewood burning and heat quality. You can use poker, brushes, and vacuum for regular cleaning or professionals if necessary. It is important to follow manufacturer instructions. Always follow manufacturer instructions or professionals in relation to cleaning, maintenance, and usage of your fireplace.
How to store my solid fuels?
Your order will be arrived packed in 20kg or 40kg plastic bags. Stove Coal can also arrived in 10 kg bags They are designed to store outdoor. Coal bunkers are very popular in Dublin. So, if you have a coal bunker you can ask to put into it. However, it is always recommended to store both bags or firewood in a place that is dry and covered from the rain. Even for your own convenience. Logs packed in net or 10 kg bags of coal can be store inside your home as they do not take too much space.
Can you advice me which fuel is the best for me?
Our extensive experience and knowledge gathered for the years allow us to be a trusted and reliable advisor in that mater. Depends on what kind of heating appliance you use our staff will advise and recommend suitable fuels. Finglas Fuels is famous for the quality of delivered products and professional services.
What are smokeless fuels in general?
They are fuels such as anthracite or firewood which are naturally smokeless. Other types of smokeless fuels you can get in Ireland were specially manufactured using a mix of natural coal or other ingredients in order to emit less than 5 grams of smoke per hour in the burning process. These fuels are engineered to give the highest possible heat output and a nice atmosphere. They also must emit less visible smoke and much less carbon dioxide. In Dublin, you may only use smokeless fuels for your needs.
What is caloric value of solid fuels?
The calorific value or the heat value in human language can be defined as the quantity of heat generated by the complete combustion of material that we burn. You can find it expressed as kJ/kg or more often as kJ/m3.